Admission Form along with Prospectus can be had on payment from the school fee counter or by post. Spot-admission are given on first-come-first-served basis in Nursery and KG. In other classes admission is given on the basis of written test and interview. The admission forms can be downloaded.
- Registration for Nursery and K.G. will begin in the month of January. Forms will be available in the school office.
- A photo state copy of the birth certificate, municipal/Panchyat must be produced with the Registration Form. Affidavit or Private Hospital Certificate will not be accepted. Date of Birth once registered will not be altered.
- A student seeking admission from an affiliated and Recognised school should produce a transfer certificate with date of birth, countersigned by the Regional officer of the Board or Assistant Commissioner of KVS or Deputy Director of Navodya Vidalaya Sangathan.
- Student seeking admission for I-IX will appear for an Entrance Test Based on the Syllabus of the previous class. Selection will be made on the basis of Evaluation and Interview.
- The management reserves its right to regulate admission to school on the basis of merit, determined by their own Evaluation.
- Admission will be confirmed only on the submission of T.C. from the school last attended and progress report of the school.
- Once month’s notice must be given in writing by the parents before the withdrawal of their ward.
- Notice for withdrawal cannot be given during holidays.
- Transfer Certificate will be issued only after getting clearance from all departments. No dues will be adjusted against Caution Deposit.
- Caution Money will be refunded only after one month of the issue of the T.C.