Fee Structure of Hostel Session-2024-25

Boarding 2024-25

Registration, Administration & Documentation Charges 5000 Free 10000 Free 10000 Free 10000 Free
Hostel Admission Fee 15000 Free 17000 Free 19000 Free 19000 Free
Caution Money 10000 10000 10000 10000
1st Installment April 45000 50000 55000 60000
2nd Installment July 45000 50000 55000 60000
3rd Installment October 45000 50000 55000 60000
4th Installment January 45000 50000 55000 60000
Total 180000 200000 220000 240000

Fee Structure Academic Session- 2024-2025

Fee Structure

Classes Admission Charges For new students Academic Tuition Fees (Monthly) Annual Academic Tuition fee Annually Charges
Nur 2000 Free 1000 12000 5000
L.K.G 2000 Free 1100 13200 5000
U.K.G 2000 Free 1300 15600 5000
I 3000 Free 1600 19200 5000
II 3000 Free 1700 20400 6000
III 4000 Free 1800 21600 7000
IV 4000 Free 1900 22800 7000
V 4000 Free 2000 24000 7500
VI 5000 Free 2200 26400 8000
VII 5000 Free 2400 28800 8000
VIII 6000 Free 2500 30000 9000
IX 7000 Free 2800 33600 14000
X 8000 Free 3000 36000 17000
XI-XII 10000 Free 4000 48000 18000

Daily Routine of Hostel

Sr. No Routine Timing
1. Rouser Bell 5.30 am
2. Playground/ Running yoga P.T 6.00 am to 6.30 am
3. Bathing & Getting Ready 6.30 am to 7.30 am
4. Breakfast 8.00 am
5. Reaching school 8.25 am
6. Assembly 8.30 am
7. Academic day schooling 8.30 am to 2.30 pm
8. Recess 20 Minutes (In School)
9. Change over after Dispersal of School 2.30 to 3.00 pm (30 Minutes)
10. Lunch 3.00 to 3.30 pm (1 hour)
11. Rest/ Nap 3.30 to 4.30 pm (1 hour)
12. Activities 4.35 to 5.35 pm (1 hour)
13. Refreshment 5.35 to 6.00 pm (30 Minutes)
14. Coaching Classes 6. pm to 8.30 pm ( 2 1/2 Hours)
15. Dinner 8.30 pm to 9.00 pm ( 30 Minutes)
16. Self Study 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm (2 Hours)
17. Light off Sleeping time 11. 00 pm

Daily Meal – Routine for Hostellers

Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Monday Poha Rajma+ Rice Roti+ gravi veg+ 1 Sweet
Tuesday Bread Butter Dal+ Rice+ Aaloo Bhajia Bharta + Roti +1 Sweet
Wednesday Dalia Chholay + Rice Chomein + Mnchurian
Thursday Chila (Besan) Whole Dal+ Roti+ Seasonal veg. Fried Rice+ Curd (Roti)
Friday Upma (Sujee) Kadi+ Rice Aaloo+ Nutrila+ Roti
Saturday Chana (Dry) Black Vhana+ Rice Kofta +Roti + Sweet
Sunday Stuffed Paratha & Curd Matar Paneer + Rice Capsicum Aaloo+ Roti+ Kheer
Monday Bread Sandwich Chapati+ whole dal + seasonal veg. Seasonal veg+ Roti
Tuesday Paratha (Besan Onion) Rice + Dal + Veg Dry Nutrila + Roti + Sevian
Wednesday Bread Pakoda Chapati+ Dal + Veg. Aaloo Matar+ Roti
Thursday Poha Kadi+ Rice Cabbage + Rice+ Sweet
Friday Dalia (Namkeen) Matar Paneer+ Rice Bharta+ Roti+ Sweet
Saturday Milk cornflakes Khichdi + Aaloo Bhajiya Kofta+ Roti
Sunday Dalia (Meetha) Aaloo+ Puri+ Raita Whole Dal+ Roti+ Sujee Halwa
(Salad / Chatni/ Papad/ Pickle/Optional)
Evening Refreshment 1 fruit/ Fruit chart 1 Glass Milk/ Biscuits Namkeen (Bhel- Puree)

Payment of Fees

  • All fees are chargeable for full session basis, irrespective of the date of admission. However, for mid-session admission due to transfer cases, the concession will be given in Boarding fees only.
  • Fine on late Payment will be Rs. 10/- per day. If the dues are not paid on time in the specified month. The student’s name may be struck off from the schools rolls and may be restored only on paymentof all arrears along with Re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- at the discretion of the Principal.
  • All expenses incurred on extra activities, i.e. excursions, hobbies, adventurous activities, withdrawal of the child and school leaving certificate, fee will be charged extra.
  • Fee may be paid by cash/bank draft in favour of “ALPINE VALLEY BOARDING SCHOOL” payable at Faridabad/Delhi for which offical receipt will be isued by the cashier.
  • In case of Cheque/Draft, the date on which the amount is credited to the school account will be counted as the date of receipt. In order to avoid late payment charges, the cheques/draft should be deposited early so that they are credited by 10th of specified month. Out station cheques will not accepted.
  • Under no circumstances, fees once paid shall be refunded, except security.caution money, which will be refunded on production of original receipt only. So parents are requested to preserve the fee receipts.
  • Transportation charges will be extra as per slabs fixed by the school transport department on distance basis.
  • In case a child is to be withdrawn. two-month’s clear notice in advance is to be given to the Principal or two months fee in lieu of will be charged.
  • Medical expenses, Telephone Expenses, Property damaage etc. will be charged from Students personal need a/c. Only firstaid will be given to the student by the school andall charges will be debited to his account.
  • In case of very weak student, special tution may be arranged on extra payment in addition to regular fees.
  • Student’s personal items may be purchased or obtained by the parents from any other source also and not necessarity from school store.
  • Students personal need A/c is accountable, Parents are requested to deposit Rs. 2000/- in this account separately which will be used for Tours, personal items, toiletories, Barber, First Aid, Extra Milk, Martial Arts, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Horse Riding etc.
  • The school Management reserve its right to change the fee sturcture without any prior notice.
  • The fees should be deposited by parents latest by 10th of every month.