Day Boarding School Faridabad, Day Boarding School Delhi, Day Boarding School India.


  • Regular attendance is compulsory. Munimum 75% attendance is required for the board examination.
  • In case of absence, prior application from Parent / Guardian is to be submitted.
  • No student shall be allowed to leave the school during class hours, unless a written note from parent/guardian reaches the authority in advance.
  • Absence without leave application will not be appreciated. Leave on medical grounds for more than two days shall be supported by a Medical Cerfificate, in case of an infectious/contagious disease like : Chicken Pox, Measles Mumps etc.
  • Continuous absence from school for more than ten consecutive days without grating leave orunexplained reason will entill removal from the rolls. Admission fee will be charged, if granted permission for re-admission.