Message by Chairman

I extend hearty welcome to all the prospective parents who have shown keen interest in Alpine Valley Boarding School.Perhaps you may be unaware the fact that formerly the school was managed Jointly.Now, I myself have taken up the reigns of the school and I assume that I shall leave no stone unturned to make this school a world Class-Educational institution.

The school is located far from the madding crowd and is surrounded by lush green vegetation. I have felt that there is a need for reorientation in schools for Indian culture and tradition. We offer career counselling and guidance to our senior students as per their preferences and attitudes. Whether your child becomes a surgeon or an engineer, an ambassador or an artist, a musician or an actor, goes into industry, commercial life or the art, he/she might feel proud to prepare Future life at AVBS.

The board based liberal education also helps the students to acquire a truly international outlook. “Learning by doing” has been my hallmark. Though not yet come of age, the school has already shaped itself into a fine quality residential public school comparable to the best in and around Delhi. We are doing our best to provide the best infrastructure slowly and steadily. I can assure the parents that they shall have no regret in admitting their children to our school. It is a home away from home for the children.My promise is not like a pie in the sky. but My ardent endeavour will be to see that the school touches its glorious heights in the years to come.

Desk of the Director

I My greeting to all the parents. I would also like to convey my gratitude to the parents of Alpine Valley Boarding School for having put their trust in us.

When I look back at the beginning of my father’s mission the initial days of ALPINE VALLEY BOARDING SCHOOL, it feels like swimming across oceans of experience. To fill the void in the field of education with idea to treat teaching as more, than just a business. To import education among those who are not able to bear the exorbitant fees of rich and famous estblishments.The core ideas, around which school has been built, are positivism and honesty. It has been our single minded endeavour to ensure overall character development of our students.

Education is the first step to eradicate the impurities buried deep in living beings. This is our first, what remains is step by step journey to dispel in the misery that exist around us, to fill this world with postive rays of enlightenment. Till the dar this happens our mission continuous unabated.In my opinion Self motivation is the foundation for excellence. I am proud to lead a team of motivated and dedicated staff. We have been able to achieve excellent results. My team assures all efforts to give proper and high class education. We follow a unique study system in which we identify the strengh and need of students and assist every child to develop all potential to the fullest extent.Our efforts to prepare every student to combat all challenges that lie ahead in this mechanized world are all the top priority. This will be possiable only by all around development of our students.I assure to accomplish these goals with the help of my dedicated staff and guidance of our honourable chairman. I wish my teachers all the luck and pray for our students that they may realize their duties towards their studies and fuldil the dreams their parents have in store for them.


Powerful lessons for life reside in the challenges of outdoor education. Adventure is a special feature of life at AVBS. Expeditions in the mountains, on skis and on foot take place throughout the year. Organized and led by fully qualified staff, AVBS programme of outdoor education gives young people the opportunity to develop initiative, determination, humility and teamwork. Educational tours, excursions, trekking and adventure tours are organised periodically.