The Buddy Concept

The ‘Buddy’ System is used for new Boarders in which new students are allocated a ‘Buddy’ from their own peer group, who will assist the new child in settling into the boarding house. The peer-to-­peer approach successfully addresses student doubts and worries in a non-threatening and friendly manner. Students are free to share feelings about their experiences in a candid, supportive atmosphere that provides an outlet and an open forum for expressing.

The Special Touch at the hostel

The primary concern of the residential staff is the security and comfort of our children. Each boarder enjoys the assistance of efficient and caring support staff, matrons, ayahs and maintenance staff, wardens and Teachers who are resident on the campus. As far as possible, the boarders are housed together with others of the same age in dormitories. Dormitories are furnished with a bed, mattress, quilt, bed sheets, pillow, bed cover and personal lockers.


Home Work (or ‘prep’) is set to assure that the skills of independent study are learnt and to confirm that lessons have been absorbed. After-school study (or ‘PREP’) is available and is popular with both pupils and parents. AVBS also provides PREP facility to the Day- Boarding students which ease the students of the burden of Homework. Special coaching is provided to the students to improve upon their weaker academic areas.